Bellamy Close and Byng Street

We have been granted permission to build 202 new homes at the site after our residents backed our plans in a resident ballot.

We started discussions with residents about possible regeneration in 2016, when the Far East Consortium International (FECI) gained planning permission to develop the area along Manilla Street and Marsh Wall.

This high-density development includes over 700 homes, a hotel and a school, and is right on the doorstep of the 24 homes our residents live in on Bellamy Close and Byng Street. With building heights of up to 63 storeys and an anticipated five-year construction programme, residents expressed concern about the disruption and future impact of the FECI scheme. That’s when we started looking at the possibility of redeveloping the existing homes.

Key benefits:

  • We will be able to build brand new homes that existing residents can return to if they wish
  • Residents will be able to move away from the significant disruption generated whilst the FECI development is on-site
  • We can increase the number of homes, enabling us to meet local housing needs as well as improve the environment and economy in the area
  • Of the proposed new homes, 50% will be affordable, with a mix of homes for rent, shared ownership and outright sale.

We held a number of events to talk to residents about potential regeneration and they then elected a Residents’ Steering Group, who appointed an independent resident adviser, Ian Simpson from Communities First. We continued to work closely with the steering group, Ian and the wider resident community on a programme of consultation and engagement, including resident events, design workshops and fortnightly meetings to come up with regeneration proposals that were put to a resident vote in December. Residents voted overwhelmingly in favour of regeneration (83.9%) in the ballot, which saw a 100% turnout.

After the ballot, we continued to consult with our residents about the proposals, designed in collaboration with leading architect HTA Design, before submission for planning, ultimately making amendments to the original plans following the residents’ feedback.

What is happening now?

In late July 2022, Tower Hamlets granted us permission to build 202 new homes on the estate. In total, 94 of the new homes will be allocated to those on the local housing waiting list or available through shared ownership. This includes the provision of new homes for all 24 One Housing tenants currently in affordable homes on the estate with their rent and tenancy terms protected.

Work on the newly approved homes, is expected to begin in late 2022 / early 2023, with the first completions due in 2025. The new scheme will be air quality neutral, provide a biodiversity net gain, and a 40% reduction in carbon emission on site with the remainder of contributions made financially to the local authority.

We are looking forward to continuing working together with residents and our partner Mount Anvil to deliver the project for the benefit of existing residents and the wider community.

Contact us

If you have any questions please email our project team at Alternatively, you can get in touch with Ian Simpson, the independent resident advisor, on 0300 3657150 or by email at

Useful downloads

You can find out more about the proposals in the following:

Landlord Offer

Consultation event information boards

September 2018

February 2019

June 2019

Public Exhibition

February 2020